Photo Cindy Gallaher

Cindy Gallaher


Cindy Gallaher is responsible for overseeing all aspects of project design, both exterior and interior. She works with the architects, interior designers and landscape architects to conceptualize the design for each project and continues that oversight and dialogue throughout construction to ensure the finished product reflects the initial vision.

Bill and Cindy raised 5 children, the youngest 3 of whom were adopted internationally. Together they founded and funded North Bay Adoptions, of which Cindy was Board Chairperson for 13 years.

During that time, NBA placed more than 300 children from many different countries with local families. One of those children was Bill and Cindy’s youngest, Zume, from Vietnam.

Cindy has a degree in Biology from Sonoma State University and completed two years of post-graduate work in Pharmacology and Toxicology at UC Davis. It was during those last two years that Bill became a licensed General Contractor and Cindy began making all the design decisions and finish selections for the houses he was building. She has remained involved in every project since that time.

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